Students with Specific Needs

Does everyone have the same conditions for study?

The Faculty of Science strives to ensure equal conditions for all students including those with a special needs (for more information, see and;). The minimum standards provided for students and applicants with special needs at CU are specified in Rector’s Measure No. 28/2023.

Who qualifies as a student with special needs?

Rector’s Measure No. 23/2017 distinguishes between six groups of students with special needs: (a) eyesight impairment, (b) hearing impairment, (c) bodily and motion impairment, (d) specific learning disorders, (e) autistic spectrum disorders, and (f) other health difficulties.

Who to contact for support and help?

Support for students with special needs is provided through various entities that collaborate:

What to do to be regarded as a student with special needs?

First, you need to (1) get in touch with the Faculty’s contact person, (2) have current documentation on your own special needs (from a medical specialist, educational/psychology advice service, etc.) and (3) having consulted the Faculty’s contact person, sign informed consent indicating your status as a student with special needs and take a functional diagnosis (an interview with a CU expert; the output of the session should be a recommendation for teachers on how to approach the student and what methods to use in instruction and self-study), (4) submit to Ms. Vítková's study department: medical report/report from the educational-psychological counseling center, informed consent, functional diagnosis. (5) Provide the functional diagnosis to the contact person.

What services are available?

A detailed list of support services students with special needs can use is posted on the University website ( The services are usually provided on the basis of recommendations stemming from the functional diagnosis and the student’s needs. Our students with special needs usually compensate with the help of:

Albertov 6

Hlavova 8

Viničná 7

What special workplaces are used most often?

What are the principles to be followed to apply the modification?

A student may use the study modification based on functional diagnosis if he/she informs the relevant teacher in time, i.e. a) immediately after registration among the SSP, b) at the beginning of each semester, c) before the examination period. He/she shall submit the functional diagnosis to the lecturer or may request the contact person to provide the information by email. Retroactive claims for benefits cannot be made.

Aids for female students

In the event of acute needs female students can collect a package of sanitary aids from Ms Vítková, Ms Červinková or Ms Trakslová. Students can pick the package up without a prior appointment during office hours, where they will receive, discreetly, the package subject to providing the password “jdu si vyzvednout balíček” (I am coming to pick up a package).

Diaper changing desks

Information for students with special needs: 

Student well-being and support at CU (YouTube):