Public Transport

For travelling around Prague, it is worth getting a "ticket" - a time voucher for public transport. All information can be found on the website of the Transport Company (DP, or at the relevant contact points. Detailed information, including suburban fares, can be found on the website of the Prague Integrated Transport (PID) Regional Organiser.

You can find sales points in the lobbies of some metro stations (e.g. I. P. Pavlova, Karlovo náměstí, Náměstí Míru, etc.). We recommend or you can use the central control room near the faculty (Na Bojišti 5). We recommend using the Lítačka mobile app, where you can buy any voucher for travel throughout the Central Bohemia region - including Prague.

Paper coupons

For the time being, it is possible to purchase paper coupons for transport passes for students aged up to 26 years who have a CU or ISIC student card. If you have been issued a new CU or ISIC card, your data will not load into the DPP system until the next day, so you cannot receive your pass earlier. If you urgently need a pass on the day of registration at the Faculty, you can submit an “Application for a Season Ticket Pass”. The form is available at DPP’s points of sale. While registering, ask a Department of Student Affairs officer to certify it with a signature and a school stamp and attach your photograph. At a DPP counter, you can have the transport pass issued for CZK 30 while you wait and then use this to purchase your season ticket.

Student season coupons are sold as monthly (30-day, CZK 130), quarterly (90-day, CZK 360) and full-year (365-day, CZK 1,280) with a selectable initial date of validity. The standard pass covers the P and 0 zones (on the territory of Prague), which suffices for the great majority of your destinations. With the pass, you can also use České dráhy and KŽC passenger trains free of charge (line S34) within Prague limits ( Be careful about the size of your luggage – if your luggage is bigger, you will need an additional ticket worth CZK 16 based on the price list. Bicycles may only be carried on the metro trains, and exclusively at the rear platform of each car.


In addition to paper coupons, you can also purchase an electronic version of the coupons, which is uploaded to the Lítačka card or to the web  ( and mobile application ( You will pay for the card according to the price list ( list). The prices for the coupons are the same, but there are also 5-month and 10-month coupons.

The ticket can be set up directly from the mobile app or the web. All that is required is registration to the system and a photo of yourself uploaded to the app from your mobile phone or computer. If you already have an ISIC, then after entering it into the app you are eligible for student vouchers that can be purchased directly from the app.

You can apply for a Lítačka in person at the contact points ( and will need an identity card and an ID card photograph (this will be returned to you). All the detailed instructions can be found on the Lítačka website (

In the application, it is then necessary to enter an "identifier", which can be either a Lítačky card, a phone or a payment card.

Riding a bike to university

You can also ride a bike in Prague and can use the public transport to move your bike under specified conditions and in certain areas. Detailed information on the possibilities for transporting bikes is available on the PID website (; Czech only).

There are several locations near the Faculty where you can “park” your bike. The largest and most secure bike parks are in Albertov, next to the Genetics garden, and in the backyard area of the Viničná 7 building. These areas are available to any FSc CU student or employee subject to a permit, which can be obtained by submitting an application either to CIT (, card entry; Czech only) for the bike park in Albertov, or to the Viničná 7 facility manager for the bike park at Viničná 7. The opening hours for both bike parks are the same – Monday to Friday, 7 am to 7 pm. The bike parks are closed on Sundays and public holidays. Every bike park user must secure their bike in the holder with a security device (cable lock). Bikes parked and secured this way are covered by insurance against theft. In the event of theft, you need to call the police and execute a record, which you then submit to the respective officer of the FSc Economic Section.

In addition to the bike parks, you can also park bikes in stands around the Faculty buildings at Viničná 5, Benátská 2, Albertov 6, and Hlavova 8. In this case, however, the insurance against theft covers only the stands situated on the Faculty’s property (the backyard at Viničná 5 and Benátská 2). The other bike stands are the property of the Municipal District of Prague 2 and are not insured. 

There are several bike sharing companies operating in Prague, one of which is Rekola (if you have a ticket, you can use it twice a day for free for 15 minutes).

List of DPP points of sale: (Czech only)

Information about the Lítačka: | Website PID: