
A canteen is a place you are certain to visit quite early after commencing your studies. Students in our Faculty can use all Charles University canteens, but you can also open another account for other universities’ canteens (for example, the Horská facility in a street of the same name, managed by the CTU). A list of all CU canteens is available at

The Albertov and Budeč canteens are the closest to our Faculty. Their opening hours are from 11:00 am to 2:15 pm (Mondays to Thursdays) and from 10:45 am to 2:00 pm (Fridays). The other canteens have different opening hours – check (Czech only) for an overview of their opening hours. A special account is used to pay for canteen meals (as well as at dorm reception desks and other places), with the student card functioning as a payment card. During your first visit to a canteen, you open your account by depositing cash in it. You will be assigned a number and a password for a meal order system and can buy a meal straight away. The meal usually consists of a main course and tea. For an extra charge, you can buy soup, salad, ice cream, a sandwich, lemonade, or sweet pastry. The prices of meals vary, but the usual range (for students) is  CZK 80 to CZK 115.

You can usually choose from five meals that you can order in advance after logging in online ( or by using canteen terminals. If you do not order a meal in advance, rest easy – you can choose on the spot. This applies to most of the canteens except the one in Albert. Due to its provisional nature, we recommend ordering your food in advance, otherwise you probably won't get it.If you order and don't pick up your food, the amount is forfeited. However, it is possible to offer it in advance on the "exchange" on the website where the food is ordered. You can also request a change of side dish for your main meal or have your food boxed up and taken away. Multiple meals can also be taken per day at a lower subsidized price.


A diet canteen for CU students operates in the Prague Municipal Policlinic building at Spálená 12, Praha 1 (; Czech only).

Aside from canteens, you can have lunch in the Mrtvá ryba (Dead Fish) student club in the Botanical Garden, or in the various restaurants in the Faculty’s vicinity. There are also several fast food outlets available in the Faculty buildings: the Golda bistro in the Chemistry Section building (Hlavova 8, basement) offers usual snacks at student-friendly prices. There is also a snack bar at Albertov 6, currently known as the Živina bistro, and a First Medical School snack bar at U Nemocnice 4 in the backyard.

Your final option is to bring meals from home. A word of warning, though – most tea kitchens are intended exclusively for the employees of Departments and Institutes! Public microwave ovens and fast-boiling kettles reserved for students are located as follows:

Information about canteens: