Study Information System (SIS)
Working with the Study Information System (SIS) will soon become everyday fare for you. The SIS contains several important modules you should get to know thoroughly. Once you log into the SIS, you can view information about subjects, register (and deregister) for subjects, sign in for the schedule and course credits/exams, review your exam dates, browse the final thesis topics, and sign in for the theses. The SIS also stores your personal data, which the Faculty uses to communicate with you. By law, you must give the University your current mailing address, so ensure your information in the SIS is complete and current; an incorrect address runs the risk that important mail will not be delivered and is a violation of the law. To change certain items such as permanent residence address and surname, you have to submit a written notice to the Department of Student Affairs.
You can log into the SIS at using the information from the Central Authentication Service (CAS, see Information Systems). If the SIS replies (usually soon after registration) “You have entered correct login data but you have no role for work”, this is because the Department of Student Affairs has not introduced you to the SIS as a student yet. When many students register at one time, the process can take several hours. The introduction can be checked in Seeking Persons in the SIS application. You can also browse Seeking Persons, information about subjects, and other aspects in the SIS as users without logging in. Once you log into the SIS, you will gain access to the other applications that you will need in your role as a student. Context-sensitive help is accessible through the icon “?”.
Important: In the Personal Data application, do not forget to add your email address under the tab Information – Change Data. For faculty matters, use your assigned faculty email (, Czech only). To ensure you receive messages from the SIS (e.g., messages from your instructor, notifications about new exam dates, etc.) to this address, check the option for receiving notifications under the User Options tab. Also, do not forget to enter your mailing address in the SIS if it is different from your permanent address, and switch the option where to deliver to other. If you have a data box for individuals, fill it in.
To allow your classmates to search for you in the SIS, you must check the option allow study search under the User Options tab in the Personal Information and Settings module. Under the tab Permission to Publish, you can select which information about you will be visible to other students. Being searchable in the SIS can be useful, for example, if you want to contact classmates enrolled in the same parallel exercise class.
Study Information System:
Adaptation Course YouTube:
Changing personal data in the SIS: