Where to Find Information on Studies

Studies are governed by Act No. 111/1998 and by the Code of Study and Examination of Charles University as amended with effect from 14 February  2024 (cuni.cz/UKEN-726.html). This Code is further supplemented by the Rules for the Organisation of Studies at the Faculty of Science and the Faculty’s other internal policies (natur.cuni.cz/fakulta/senat/predpisy-pravni-normy/vnitrni-predpisy-platne-od-1-9-2017; Czech only).

An applicant becomes a student on the day of registration and ceases to be a student on the day following completion of the final part of the state final examination or, if their study ends in a different manner, namely through (voluntary) withdrawal from study, termination due to a failure to satisfy obligations, expulsion, or expiry of the maximum period of study. The maximum period for bachelor’s study is six years, while for post-bachelor’s study it is five years. During the graduation ceremony, graduates are issued with a diploma and a diploma supplement. More information is available atnatur.cuni.cz/eng/study/student/graduation-ceremonies.

Important information on the study agenda is posted on the Department of Student Affairs website (natur.cuni.cz/eng/study/department-of-student-affairs/contact). This page publishes key announcements and up-to-date information such as changes to office hours, guidance notes, news about the Student Information System (SIS) and other useful advice. Also, pay attention to the Forms section (natur.cuni.cz/eng/study/student/forms_and_regulations) as this contains the material you will need during the course of your study (e.g., certificate of study, application forms, etc.).

Before you approach a Department of Student Affairs official with a question, try to find an answer on the study website; for example, in the FAQ section (natur.cuni.cz/fakulta/studium/helpdesk; Czech only), or direct the question to your Tutors. Another information resource is the Faculty’s official notice board (natur.cuni.cz/fakulta/uredni-deska; Czech only), which contains information on state final exam dates, undelivered mail, the amount of fees for study, and other aspects.

Currently applicable Faculty and University regulations can be found at: natur.cuni.cz/fakulta/senat/predpisy-pravni-normy (Czech only)

Karolinka: natur.cuni.cz/karolinka (Czech only)

Tutors - student advisors

Are you unsure about some of the rules and regulations? Need reassurance that you did everything right at the start of your studies?

Tutors - student advisors are available to all students of the faculty, who are ready to consult on all kinds of study problems, answer students' questions, give briefings on study regulations, on working with faculty applications (e.g. SIS, timetable, mail) and at the same time cooperate with the study department and study vice-deans, study programme supervisors and section vice-deans. 

Furthermore, there are tutors for the 4EU+ alliance who are dedicated to its agenda and projects.

The tutors' primary goal is to reduce barriers to queries, advise on solutions to situations, and direct the student with a query to where problems can be addressed and resolved. 

Contacts for tutors

List of tutors: natur.cuni.cz/faculty/studium/tutors (czech only)