Faculty/University Structure
The academic community of the Faculty/University comprises academic workers and the students of the Faculty/University. The members of the academic community have guaranteed academic freedoms and rights, such as the right to conduct research, teach, and express their own opinions freely in instruction.
The University’s Academic Senate is a self-governing authority elected by the members of the University’s academic community. The Senate passes the school’s internal policies and budgets, and elects and recalls the Rector. It has 70 members and represents both students and employees of all faculties and other units at a ratio of 34 students to 36 employees.
The Rector leads the University and acts and makes decisions on its behalf. Each Rector is appointed by the President, further to the proposal of the University’s Academic Senate. Vice-Rectors substitute the Rector in certain areas (such as education, research, development, etc.).
The University’s Scientific Council comprises prominent representatives of the fields of science pursued and taught at the University. The Council discusses the University’s long-term plans and makes statements on topical issues presented by the Rector.
The Bursar is in charge of the University’s management and internal administration.
The Faculty’s Academic Senate is a self-governing body elected by members of the Faculty’s academic community. It approves the Faculty’s internal policies, terms and conditions of admission procedures, and the distribution of funds within the Faculty; it also elects and recalls the Dean. It has 28 members with an equal representation of students and employees of all Sections of the Faculty.
The Dean leads the Faculty and acts and makes decisions on its behalf. The Dean is appointed by the Rector, further to a proposal from the Faculty’s Academic Senate. Vice-Deans substitute the Dean for certain duties (e.g., Section Vice-Deans, Vice-Dean for Education, etc.).
The Faculty’s Scientific Council comprises prominent representatives of the fields in which the Faculty pursues scientific and educational activities. It discusses the Faculty’s long-term plans and approves the programmes of study taught by the Faculty.
The Secretary is in charge of the Faculty’s management and internal administration.
The Board of Trustees reviews the school’s activity, primarily in terms of economy and property.
Note: This text describes the situation at Charles University/Faculty of Science. The situation in other Faculties/Universities may differ with respect to certain details (number of members of various bodies, etc.).
Organisational structure of FSc: natur.cuni.cz/en/faculty/organizational-structure