Places and Classrooms within the Faculty

Buildings that house Faculty of Science classrooms

To navigate the Faculty premises, you can use the maps printed here and the photographs on the Faculty website ( In addition to the table below, which lists the classrooms included in the schedule, you can also find a description in the SIS (if you click on the classroom abbreviation, its description will appear above the schedule – capacity, etc.;

The “right/left/back” information given in the Building – Location column applies when you are standing on the right floor, having arrived along the staircase; if there are multiple staircases in the building, this applies to the main staircase reached after coming in through the main entrance.

Biocev ( in Vestec near Prague (Průmyslová 595, Vestec) is a workplace shared by Charles University and the Academy of Sciences. The facility hosts the scientific component of the Faculty’s activities – not the educational component. 

Physical education is taught mainly in the sports centre (SCUK) in Hostivař (Bruslařská 10), which we share with other faculties. The faculty's own building is the shipyard in Podolí. However, many PE classes are held at other more or less specialized locations around Prague. Specific information on individual sports is always on the TV Department website:

Biology Section
Chemistry Section
Geology and Geography Section
Other classrooms